Listen to a piano or singing performance of a selected composition with a tone alphabet, sol-fa syllables or text.
Carry out the rhythm of a chosen composition by rhythmically pressing on the screen and check your knowledge.
Sing the chosen composition and check your singing.
Solve the quiz and check your musical-theoretical knowledge of the composition.
Working mentor
Music Pedagogy
Music Pedagogy
Music Pedagogy
Information and Communication Technologies
Media Communications
Media Communications
Computer and Information Technologies
Computer and Information Technologies
In this project, the students from different curricula wanted to create an innovative and interactive solfeggio learning system, which would allow the students to focus cameras on mobile devices, such as a smartphone or tablet, to a printed notation and thus to play the notation with the help of augmented reality.
All data from the experiment are available for download: questionnaires and results (in SPSS format)
📎 QUESTIONNAIRE Experimental group - 3. class 📎 QUESTIONNAIRE Experimental group - 4. class 📎 QUESTIONNAIRE Control group - 3. class 📎 QUESTIONNAIRE Control group - 4. class 📎 MYSOLFEGGIO DATA Research data