Mobile application for learning solfeggio


The application MySolfeggio is an additional learning tool that can equip the existing manuals for learning music for use with mobile devices or tablets, which would greatly enhance classes and enable independent learning and repeating of exercises for learning of notation in the home environment.

The software is a prototype version and is intended for educational and research purposes only. In case of interest, contact the authors.

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The application can be used both on a mobile phone and a tablet. It contains an analysis of notation with the help of augmented reality and the rhythmic and melodic performance of the song. After testing of knowledge with the help of an interactive quiz, it also offers the final assessment of the student's performance. The final stage of interactive learning presents the rhythmic performance of the song.


Listen to a piano or singing performance of a selected composition with a tone alphabet, sol-fa syllables or text.


Carry out the rhythm of a chosen composition by rhythmically pressing on the screen and check your knowledge.


Sing the chosen composition and check your singing.


Solve the quiz and check your musical-theoretical knowledge of the composition.


With this solution, a captured live video image of the printed notation would be merged on the screen of a mobile phone with the help of a camera, with a virtual video recording of playing the instrument, together with an appropriate sound recording. As an addition, besides playing, the capture of vibration would be enabled, such as knocking on the screen in the rhythm of the composition, which is part of the classes.


The project includes 3 students, 1 professor and 1 assistant from Musical Pedagogy, 3 students from Computer and Information Science and 2 students, 1 professor and 1 assistant from Media Communications. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics and the Faculty of Education are part of the project.

Matjaž Debevc


Jernej Weiss


Ines Kožuh


Tjaša Ribizel


Katja Konvalinka

Working mentor

Julija Fajhtinger

Music Pedagogy

Luka Šinigoj

Music Pedagogy

Tjaša Zidanič

Music Pedagogy

Tadej Vengust

Information and Communication Technologies

Damir Podbojec

Media Communications

Monika Ferk

Media Communications

Dejan Krivec

Computer and Information Technologies

Vinko Šmid

Computer and Information Technologies

In this project, the students from different curricula wanted to create an innovative and interactive solfeggio learning system, which would allow the students to focus cameras on mobile devices, such as a smartphone or tablet, to a printed notation and thus to play the notation with the help of augmented reality.

Research data

The University of Maribor performed a study in 2017. The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of an interactive mobile application, MySolfeggio, for learning solfeggio. By using the mobile device, students were able to take advantage of visual, auditory and tactile modalities to recognise musical notes. Students were able also to practice and learn notation, rhythm and melody, for which the mobile application provides corrective feedback. To evaluate students’ perceptions of the mobile application and its effects on knowledge, an experiment with 42 students has been conducted.

All data from the experiment are available for download: questionnaires and results (in SPSS format)

📎 QUESTIONNAIRE Experimental group - 3. class 📎 QUESTIONNAIRE Experimental group - 4. class
📎 QUESTIONNAIRE Control group - 3. class 📎 QUESTIONNAIRE Control group - 4. class
📎 MYSOLFEGGIO DATA Research data

MySolfeggio choosen as "Best project PKP 2017"

The project of the University of Maribor "Mobile and interactive learning of solfeggio with the help of augmented reality", which was carried out under the project On the creative way to knowledge 2016/2017 (PKP 2016/2017) and the pedagogical mentoring of prof. dr. Jernej Weiss (University of Maribor, Faculty of Education) and prof. dr. Matjaž Debevc (University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics), received the award "Best project PKP 2017".

Prof. dr. Jernej Weiss described the project with the following words: "The result of the MySolfeggio project is a mobile application, which, with the help of augmented reality, is intended to improve classical printed textbooks. Users get new and interactive graphical images with the help of their mobile device, which can greatly simplify the solfeggio learning process (so the musical instrument is no longer needed), as they receive the immediate feedback they need when learning."

The investment/project was co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Social Fund.
